'12 Fall/Winter Pricing Special

We're having  a '12 Fall/Winter pricing special of 15% off of sharpening costs.  For you  to take advantage, just notify us that you've read this blog post when sending us your items to be sharpened. 

2012 Pricing List

  • Shaper cutters carbide @ $3 per wing, t-alloy @ $4 per wing
  • Multiprofile cutters @$2.50 per wing
  • Spindle/molder cutters @$3 per wing
  • Router bits @$3.50 ea.
  • Planer/jointer blades @ 65¢ per inch
  • Circ. saw carbide blade @ 14¢ per tooth

Here are some great quotes:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."- Abraham Lincoln

"The School of Hard Knocks is where you get the lesson after you've failed the test."- Uknown

"For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?"- Our Saviour Jesus Christ

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."- Albert Einstein

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."- Wayne Gretzky

Take care and thank you for visiting,


All A-hoy for T-Alloy!

Hello!  Hope you're having a super-great summer. An improvement we've made is that now we sharpen t-alloy shaper cutters and router bits.  T-alloy is one of the most advance cutting materials available today. Being very durable, you have less chipping, cracking and corrosion  with t-alloy tools than carbide and HSS.


The cost for sharpening t-alloy is 40%more than carbide; but the need for sharpening is 50% less, so actually the cost is nearer to only 20% more than carbide.  T-alloy shaper cutters are $5 per wing and t-alloy router bits are $2.80 per wing.
T-Alloy bits may be purchased from Freeborn Tool Company, Inc.  ph :  18005238988,  web:  www.freeborntool.com, be sure to mention my name: Matt Lehman and our company, Sharper Edges when ordering.
"Since the 1970's, Freeborn Tool Co. has been a leading manufacturer of shaper cutters. All Freeborn shaper cutters go through a stringent quality assurance program throughout the production process with multiple checks, and balancing to ensure perfect fitting."

until next posting,
take care,

Great 10 "do's & don't's" List

Here are some pictures showing how well our sharpened circular saw blades perform. In the mind of the customer who provided this piece of wood, it takes a well sharpened saw blade to cut wood this thinly. Thank you Dave Wickey!

It seems that each of us appreciate suggestions and advice on having a better outlook on life and ways for us to better relate with others. Here is a great list of 10 "do's & don't's" I received.

Great List of 10 "do's" & "don't's"

"do list"
1. carefully listen and be empathetic
2. stay focused
3. take good notes
4. apologize easily
5. be courteous and professional
6. be honest
7. offer appropriate options
8. say what you'll do, then do it
9. thank each one for letting you know something
10. follow up

"don't list"
1. take it personal
2. become defensive and argue
3. interrupt (wait three seconds then speak)
4. become distracted
5. make excuses
6. use the word "problem"
7. blame anyone or accuse anyone
8. commit to more than is reasonable/can reasonably be done
9. "give away the shop" to quiet them
10. let your day/week be ruined

Do the best you can and don't let yourself be discouraged

And I am sorry for the lack of recent postings... time is a commodity gaining value as I get older and for some reason it also is becoming more scarce... best wishes.

Noah floated his stock as the whole world was in liquidation phase.

Sharper Edges